Sport Clubs

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  3. Bisikletliler Derneği Sakarya Şubesi

Founded in 2008, our association carries out its activities with the aim of developing, disseminating and communicating the cycling culture in Turkey. Since its establishment in 2008, it has been actively carrying out non-governmental activities throughout Turkey to popularize urban cycling and make bicycles more respected in traffic.

It carries out its activities in the triangle of bicycle, nature and transportation, based in Istanbul, and is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with 570 primary members, 80,000 honorary members, 2 branches and 63 provincial and district representatives throughout Turkey.

Sakarya Branch was established in 2016 by members of the Cyclists Association in Sakarya. It has 89 primary and nearly 5000 honorary members.

Our association continues its activities with its active structure, acting together with 63 representatives in the national and international events of our Headquarters, and organizing weekday and weekend bicycle tours, thematic tours, festivals and events throughout Sakarya.

It continues to contribute greatly to cyclist awareness in our city by providing suggestions, support and direct team activities in almost every aspect of cyclist life in Sakarya to date.